AT NORTH RIVER CHURCH, IT IS OUR DESIRE TO EQUIP disciple makers. Jesus taught his followers to make disciples, not converts. Equip: Classes will prepare you to make disciples as you grow in your knowledge of Scripture. Each class has been designed to help you understand and apply God’s Word with the ultimate goal of knowing, loving, trusting, and enjoying the Lord.
Whether you have a lot of time or a little time, whether you've studied the Bible for decades or have never opened the Bible before, there is a class for you.
Co-Led by Pastor Cody Podor & Pastor Michael Kennedy
Next Session: Begins Thursday, February 27th at 6pm
Whether you want to be a parent or you no longer have room in your car for another child, this class is for you.
Parenting is one of the hardest and most joyful endeavors that we could ever give ourselves to. God has chosen parents to be primary instruments in the shaping of a human soul. If we are to parent faithfully, then we will need wisdom and grace from God.
This three-week class is designed to help you understand what the Bible teaches about parenting and give you practical help in shepherding the hearts that God entrusts to your care.
Week 1 – 2/27: The Heart of Parenting
Week 2 – 3/6: Instruction
Week 3 – 3/13: Correction
Childcare is provided.

Led by Pastor Cody Podor
Next Session: TBD
Walking with Christ is not simply about knowing information and agreeing with it. God’s desire is to transform his people into the image of Jesus Christ. This can only happen when the Spirit of God does a work in the soul. Grace is opposed to earning but it is not opposed to effort. There is a crucial distinction between the spiritually busy person and the spiritually healthy person. Spiritual Growth: Developing Godly Habits is about tapping into the channels of grace that God has designed to help us become more like Jesus.
Week 1: Diagnosing my Spiritual Health
Week 2: How do I grow and change?
Week 3: Listening
Week 4: Praying
Week 5: Fasting
Week 6: Giving
Childcare is provided.
Led by Pastor Michael Kennedy
Next Session: TBD
Joy, fun, companionship, love, and mission. God has joined us in marriage so we can live life together for the glory of God. A strong and satisfying marriage that glories God doesn’t happen on accident. It requires purposeful intentionality to build our marriages on Christ. This class is designed to be realistic, hopeful, and practically helpful for couples at all stages of marriage.
Week 1: The Heart
Week 2: The Team
Week 3: Life Together
Week 4: Communication
Week 5: Finances
Week 6: Panel + Q&A
Childcare is provided.
Co-Led by Pastor Michael Kennedy and Pastor Cody Podor
Next Session: TBD
Theology matters. Everyone is a theologian because everyone has thoughts about God. The question is, "Are you a good theologian or a bad theologian?" We hope you will join this eight-week class as we discuss the truths that we embrace as followers of Christ. The eight weeks will cover:
Week 1 – Doing Theology
Week 2 – Theology Proper (Truth about God)
Week 3 – Bibliology (Truth about the Bible)
Week 4 – Anthropology and Hamartiology (Truth about Mankind and Sin)
Week 5 – Christology and Pneumatology (Truth about Christ and the Holy Spirit)
Week 6 – Soteriology (Truth about Salvation)
Week 7 – Ecclesiology (Truth about the Church)
Week 8 – Eschatology (Truth about the End Times)
Childcare is provided.